
Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A short break from painting yellow...

I admit it. If I see much more yellow paint I'm likely to go insane (or more insane for those who already know me). In a desperate and probably futile attempt to stave off madness, I've taken a short break from painting more yellow. I've also been exploring the wonders of washes...

Death Korps of Krieg Thudd Gun
It goes THUDD....supposedly

In one of the many many boxes littering my office I found a half painted Thudd Gun I'd bought three or four years ago when planning to complete a Death Korps of Krieg Imperial Guard list. As usual a combination of inertia and short attention span killed that off a while back. However I've decided to finish off the miniatures I've already got as part of an Imperial Army detachment to go alongside my Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists.

I've also discovered a quick way to paint both DKoK and vanilla Cadians. Suddenly an Imperial Guard army looks less like the complete impossibility I thought it was.

Death Korps of Krieg Thudd Gun

Death Korps of Krieg Thudd Gun

Death Korps of Krieg Thudd Gun

In addition to the Thudd gun I've also started work on a command squad. Using a simple pallet of green and brown washes I've been pleased how quickly these were painted.

Death Korps of Krieg Command
Command Squad
Death Korps of Krieg Command
HQ Commander
Death Korps of Krieg Command
HQ Banner - or the worlds most weirdest golf sale

Finally I repainted a set of Grenadiers I'd started. The original colour scheme I'd chosen wasn't the best (it was infact- much worse than usual). A fair amount of Fairy Oven Cleaner later and I'm happy with the new version.

Death Korps of Krieg Genadier
Grenade Grenadier... tortology anyone?
Death Korps of Krieg Genadier

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