
Monday, 4 February 2013

More Death Korps....

As I've previously posted about, I'm trying to work my way through the vast backlog of Forgeworld and GW miniatures that I've managed to create. During the week I finished my first Death Korps of Krieg HQ Squad using a quick wash method I'm trying to use.

Death Korps of Krieg HQ Command Squad
I'm not sure I'd want to carry that in a high wind....

Death Korps of Krieg HQ Command Squad
Smart Phone - 40k Style

Death Korps of Krieg HQ Command Squad
Lions Led By Donkeys

With my newfound love of Washes, I've also been playing around with the following - it's not finished by any means yet but I'm rather pleased with how good it looks for the amount of effort.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, I realise I'm posting almost three weeks too late but the Death Korps are looking really good.

