Sunday 3 February 2013

Breacher Squad Part 3

My brief detour into anything-but-yellow has ended... probably. With the extra painting hours a weekend brings, I've managed to finish a number of additional miniatures which have been staring at me sullenly from the edge of my desk, incluing two more of the Mark III Breacher Squad.

Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists Breacher Squad
More grubby yellow models ahoy

The completion of two more Breacher Astartes brings me closer to the completion of the 10 Astartes squad. After seeing the work-in-progress of FW's pre-heresy Breaching Shield I've decided to wait until they're released before increasing the squad size beyond 10. It has the additional benefit of allowing me to complete some (but probably not all) of the 30 Mark IV Astartes which are still in the box they arrived in.

Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists Breacher Squad
In space, no one can find a car-wash

Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists Breacher Squad
I wouldn't want to eat my dinner off those shields

Spurred on from the short lived buzz due to finishing the Astartes I also found the enthusiasm to complete the Astartes Captain.

Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists Astartes Captain
Looks like the crusade has yet to re-discover the STC Washing Machine....

Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists Astartes Captain
Its no better from behind...
Now all I need to do is finish the accompanying Banner Bearer.... I hate painting Banners.

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